Finding Lasting Freedom in Christ
Freedom Groups
A church-based curriculum that offers freedom from stubborn strongholds and hope for enduring suffering.
We believe that people can find lasting freedom in Jesus Christ, no matter their personal struggle. Freedom Groups offer more than recovery from an addiction or new coping mechanisms. It is a 13 session intensive small group experience that provides help, hope, and healing only found in the gospel. As we journey together through Scripture, we will see that freedom means no longer being enslaved by our functional gods like pleasure, control, or worldly comforts. We will also be reminded to live under grace, not to fall back under the yoke of trying to prove our worth. The grace of God is not opposed to effort, but it is opposed to earning God’s love. Only once we understand that Christ died for our sins and His sacrifice is the only way back to the love of God are we truly free.
There is freedom for sinners to be restored in Christ.
There is freedom for sufferers to be comforted in Christ.
There is freedom for wanderers to be brought back to Christ.
What are Freedom Groups?
Freedom Groups are a way to help people look at their sins, sorrows, and struggles beyond behavior and circumstance. We get to the root level of the heart and view all of life through the lenses of the gospel, in order to gain freedom in Jesus Christ.
You may wonder, “How are Freedom Groups different from other recovery or care ministry options? Why should we consider this curriculum?”
Freedom Groups are a biblical, Christ-Centered alternative to secular and integrated recovery support groups.
Freedom Groups are targeting heart change, making them a place of hope and compassion for those caught in sin and those who are enduring suffering.
Freedom Groups are a specialized small group for those who need more than friendly encouragement but may not be ready for or need formal counseling.
Local Church Connection
You may also wonder how Freedom Groups could fit into your local church context. We believe most churches are all about making and maturing disciples. We know that often means we need a welcoming front door. We need to show compassion before we bring needed correction or teaching. We purposely developed this curriculum to be taught in loving community. You need to ask yourself:
Does this offering advance the mission of our church?
Does this fill a care gap, so people won’t fall through the cracks?
Does this complement the existing discipleship and care ministries?
Does this promote your philosophy of biblical counseling in your church?
Does this have full and passionate support from the leadership of the church?
Maybe all those are an easy yes, but know we are here to help if you still have questions.
Personal Impact for Participants
Another important marker for the fruitfulness of a ministry offering is personal impact. Here are eight ways participants have said they have been impacted by Freedom Groups.
Participants grow in their understanding of the God of the Bible.
Participants grow in their understanding of who they are in Christ.
Participants get practical help to respond biblically to life’s struggles.
Participants find out why a desire has become a stronghold and how to overcome it.
Participants realize they are not alone.
Participants learn to lean into Christ and community.
Participants learn how to share their testimony of freedom in Christ.
Participants raise the bar of transparency as they assimilate into church community.
Freedom Groups is a product of Soul Care Consulting
Is Freedom Groups just another recovery group ministry? How is it different from AA, NA, CR, etc.?
Freedom Groups is not simply a recovery ministry. While we appreciate the work these kinds of groups do, we are clear on where the higher power comes from and believe in the authority of God’s Word. Recovery focuses on coping while we focus on hope in Jesus Christ. Recovery ministries can become a revolving door, while our focus is redemption, a changed heart, a new life, and a deeper discipleship. We are not professionals or therapist. We are caring for souls under the authority of the local church.
We don’t want to replace or displace your small groups! Freedom Groups, while in a small group format, are much more directive in soul care help and healing. Our approach relies on transformative teaching in a large group format as well as deep discussions in a small group format. There are weekly assignments, loving accountability, and prayer to build trust and healthy community. Our goal is for hurting people to be healthy enough to join or rejoin small groups after Freedom Groups.
Freedom Groups are generally designed for adults although some high schools are adapting the curriculum. We have found the best way to facilitate these groups would be to have men sit with men, and women with women. In some cases, couples who are not in conflict have sat at a couple’s table to support one another.
Because we focus on heart change, the issues people come with can vary greatly. We don’t have a table just for those struggling with pornography, depression or addictions. We assign people to tables based on four main predominant heart struggles (anger, impulsivity, fear, and depression). We consider the table leaders, the size of the groups, and the dynamics that would help each table get the most out of the teaching, discussion, and homework.
Freedom Groups is probably not the best fit for someone:
Actively abusing drugs, alcohol, or prescription medicine.
In a crisis in need of formal counseling (unless referred).
Unwilling to submit to the leaders/church authority.
At risk of harming themselves or others.
Needing professional supervision or care.
Thirteen sessions that are usually run either in the Fall or Spring of the ministry year.
Freedom Groups is a two-hour weekly commitment. It’s typically held on a weeknight and is broken down as follows:
6:30 to 7:00 pm – Leaders often gather for prayer before Freedom Groups start that night.
7:00 to 7:30 – Coordinator Welcome and Prayer, Review Homework at Tables
7:30 to 8:00 – Teaching (everyone together in large group)
8:00 to 8:10 – Optional Testimony (can also be done before the teaching time)
8:10 to 9:00 – Group Discussion, Accountability, Prayer, and Assign Homework (at each table)
Two types of leaders will be needed. A coordinator who makes sure the night goes smoothly, and a table leader who facilitates the table discussions. A third role could be a teacher if you chose not to use the video teaching provided (find job descriptions for each here).
Freedom Group Coordinator - This is the main ministry leader or ideally leader couple for Freedom Groups. From setup, administration, and registration to facilitation of each night, the coordinator(s) is a key role for the success of Freedom Groups. If your groups have male and female participants, you want a mature husband/wife team to lead this in order to provide leadership to both men and women.
Freedom Group Table Leaders - This is the key to success for Freedom Groups. Having a trained and caring male or female leader who sits with 6-8 other people to lead discussions, ask questions, and facilitates community is very important. The table leader also provides hands on training for the apprentice.
Freedom Group Apprentices - Freedom Group Apprentices provide a built-in leadership pipeline for future growth as well as help for the table leaders. They are likely to be next season’s table leaders!
We are in the process of putting together specific leader training materials for you, including, short videos, power points, and handouts to help you get your leaders set up for a fruitful ministry season.
First, we would encourage you to do a soul care needs assessment.
Who are the people needing help and how do we currently help them? Knowing any soul care gaps in your church is a key step.
Second, if Freedom Groups can fill a gap, help your staff and elders understand what Freedom Groups can offer. Ask them to pray with you about this opportunity. You need their full buy-in and support.
Third, purchase the curriculum to review or call us with questions.
Fourth, pick a date and plan at least 6 months in advance to train leaders.
Fifth, educate your congregation and promote the ministry.
Have additional questions?
Send us a message with the form below and we’d be happy to help you!